7 Interesting Spots in Phu Quoc Island

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7 Interesting Spots in Phu Quoc Island

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If your ideal holiday is one that spent in the exciting tropical heat, consider Phu Quoc, the biggest island in Vietnam, a potential choice.

In this heaven on earth, you can have your body pillowed by the white sand and pale skin tanned under the burning sun. Beside the intriguing beaches, Phu Quoc offers a wide range of recreational activities and tourist attractions that cater to your deepest needs for adventures, peace and learning.


Bai Sao (Star Beach)

With calm, clear blue water all year round, Bai Sao (star beach), south of Phu Quoc Island in Kien Giang, is known as one of most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The water level is pretty low, which is why you can go a longer distance from land and enjoy your swim without worries for a sudden tidal wave or drowning hazards.

Sitting under green coconut trees, visitors can have fresh seafood and cool drinks while enjoying the golden sun and cool breeze. Visitors can also enjoy activities such as water skiing, jet skiing and kayaking.

Ganh Dau Beach

One of the most scenic beaches in Phu Quoc, Gành Dầu is where you can simultaneously enjoy the beauty of the ocean and the enormous mountains. Moreover, the place is renowned for copious seafood dishes that are sold for affordable prices.

Most importantly, Gành Dầu has the most striking sunset that glorifies 500 miles of arc beach and exotic islands that can be seen at the horizon.

To Ganh Dau, you can be visit Nguyen Trung Truc Temple and breathtaking natural beauty is vast and beautiful. The deep blue sea, golden fine sand beaches in the Central is the good feeling when you can see right in front section of Ganh Dau.

The most interesting thing when you visit Ganh Dau is that you can be just swimming and watching the borderland between Vietnam and Cambodia. If you like exploring you can rent boats to come two islands offshore: Hon Ban and Hon Thay Boi.

Pepper Farm

Phu Quoc is home to the best pepper products in Vietnam. An excursion to the most important pepper plantation of Khu Tượng, thus, is enriching in a sense that you can see for yourself the successful cultivation techniques and have a taste of the flavorful peppers that are picked fresh from the trees.

Sim Grape Garden

Another destination for those who are inquisitive about the locals’ agriculture culture is Sim Grape Garden. Like their counterparts in Italy and France, Sim Grape Garden is vast in size and colored with the inviting purple of the new and juicy grapes. Visitors are encouraged to take part in picking the fruit and try the newly fermented grape wine.

Flat Rock Spring and Pointy Rock Spring

These two contrasting sites will take you on a roller coaster of emotions.

For those who prefer a relaxing session in the humming sounds of running water, the former will surely capture your heart, as the Flat Rock Spring, beside its signature flat rocks, is known for the serenity it offers.

Pointy Rock Spring, on the contrary, promises an exciting and invigorating adventure. With seven different waterfalls and diverse jungle landscapes, this is an ideal place for sports activities such as hiking and swimming.

Dinh Cau Night Market

Dinh Cau Night Market is a must-visit for travelers on Phu Quoc Island, offering a plethora of dining and shopping opportunities until late. Located along Vo Thi Sau Street in Duong Dong, this pedestrian-friendly market is about a five-minute walk from Dinh Cau Rock. This Phu Quoc market caters mainly to tourists but is rather bustling with many people.
Highly recommended dishes include grilled scallops, steamed squid with fermented fish sauce, boiled sea snails, flower crab with rice noodles, and deep-fried shrimps. Drinks-wise, there’s a good mix of fresh juices, smoothies, soft drinks, local wines and beers. Prices are slightly higher than in an average local restaurant on Phu Quoc but the seafood is generally very fresh.

Fairy Well

Also known as Gieng Tien (Fairy Well) and is a historic site located in An Thoi Town close to Khem Beach. This is one of the most mysterious tourist attractions in Phu Quoc Island.

Closely related to the historical escape of Emperor Gia Long, the Magic Well’s origin is explained by his mythical encounter with divine creatures. When Gia Long and his people, on their way to escape the fate of an overthrown royalty, stopped by Phu Quoc in the grip of thirst for water. In desperation, Gia Long pointed his sword to the rock and a stream of fresh water spurted out, forming a freshwater pond in the middle of the ocean. As the crack is still visible on the rock, the story prevails as believable and as proof of his supernatural power.