Charming autumn in Vietnam

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Charming autumn in Vietnam

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Maybe a lot of people when talking about autumn will only remember the yellow and red leaves season in Japan, Korea or Canada but forget that in Vietnam there is also an equally beautiful autumn. Though autumn in Vietnam does not have many places with maple leaves, instead it is the yellow color of ripe rice on the craggy terraced fields, the gentle pink color of the buckwheat flowers and the passionate beauty of the milk flowers.


When the chilly winds “pour” in all the northern land, autumn has arrived.




Nồng nàn hoa sữa mùa thu Hà Nội

Milk flowers on Trung Hoa street – (Photo source:


Milk flowers are considered one of the symbols of autumn in Hanoi, Vietnam. And it is rare to find a place where autumn has its own passionate and charming flavor like Hanoi. Milk flower season starts from September and lasts until the beginning of December, with the characteristic passionate fragrance emanating from the beautiful little white flower clusters.

If you have ever set foot in the capital in autumn, it will be difficult for you to refuse to go through certain street corners, sip a cup of coffee and feel a very unique “taste” of milk flowers. Nguyen Chi Thanh street – a street about 2km long but with hundreds of milk flower trees, is called by many young people with the intimate name “the passionate road of milk flowers”.




"Mùa vàng" về trên ruộng bậc thang - Khung cảnh mùa thu đẹp nhất ở Việt Nam

Colorful stairs leading to the sky – (Photo: Ly Manh Tu)


Autumn in Vietnam also makes many tourists fascinated by the beauty of the terraced fields of ripe golden rice winding around the majestic hillside. Every here and there, the houses seem to touch the clouds, the smoke from the kitchen brings the scent, the silhouettes of the girls and boys of the H’Mong, Dao, and Tay ethnic groups carrying their children to the fields to harvest rice, painting a picture of a very peaceful autumn.

The Northern “golden season” starts from about mid-September to the end of October. The places with the most beautiful ripe rice terraces in this highland area are Hoang Su Phi (Ha Giang), Sapa (Lao Cai) and Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai).

Visitors who come to Mu Cang Chai can admire the majestic and poetic beauty of golden terraced fields, conquer Khau Pha pass, explore the highlands surrounded by mountain ranges. Meanwhile, Sapa should be visited in late autumn, at this time the weather is cold, but you can still admire the golden rice season and take photos to preserve beautiful moments. Coming to Ha Giang in mid-October, visitors can also admire the hills of buckwheat flowers covered with a charming purple color.




Cảnh đẹp mùa thu ở Việt Nam - Hà Giang hoa tam giác mạch phủ kín sườn đồi

Buckwheat is grown a lot in the area of ​​Pa Vi and Ma Pi Leng pass. (Photo source: Internet)


Not only ripe rice, Ha Giang in autumn also puts on another splendid shirt, which is the hills of buckwheat flowers covered with a pink and purple color that is both idyllic, beautiful and loving. Who would have thought that the arid gray rock plateau was so rigid? But there are rocky areas that can also bloom more attractively in the fall. The color of buckwheat flowers seems to turn the monotonous sky into more lyrical and poetic than ever. Vast buckwheat flower fields stretch with delicate petals as if adding vividness to the rocky plateau of Ha Giang.

Not only that, autumn in Vietnam is also filled with the yellow color of wild sunflowers in the mountainous town of Gia Lai or the city of thousands of flowers in Da Lat. And of course, there is no shortage of red and yellow colors of maple leaves in Tuyen Lam Lake. How do you feel about autumn in Vietnam, does it make you flutter?


(Tran Thi Cam Nhi – Wiki Travel)