Explore Cai Be Floating Market in Tien Giang Province

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Explore Cai Be Floating Market in Tien Giang Province

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Tien Giang province wins an award as not only the rice bowl of the Mekong Delta, but also the biggest fruit producing area throughout Vietnam. About 70km away from Saigon, the province is situated in the North of the Tien River. If you are planning to enjoy a short trip in the Delta, make sure that you add Cai Be Floating Market into your bucket list.

Cai Be holds the top position in orchard areas in Tien Giang Province. On ordinary days, a large section of the Tien River is vibrant with boats filled with fruits, vegetables, flowers and other products. It is even more colorful during special events like full moon days or Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year).

During the days, there is only a small number of boats carrying flowers on the Tien River. However, the number increases over the following days and the market bustles with various kinds of flowers. At this time, barges full of fruits and vegetables temporarily cede “territory” to boats carrying different kinds of flowers. Flowers are seen along the banks of the river, bobbing on the floating dock, covering the boat roof-tops and overflowing to the street markets.

Going to the floating market on these days, you can see the busy rhythm of the life of people living on the river and the unique features of the Mekong Delta. This is also the most beautiful time at the Cai Be Floating Market, attracting many tourists.


Can Tho – Cai Be Floating Market ~ 4 Days 3 Nights