Chau Doc – A Spiritual Land

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Chau Doc – A Spiritual Land

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Chau Doc in An Giang Province has long been attracting the domestic and foreign visitors, especially the pilgrims who have faith in the Lady Temple (Mieu Ba Chua Xu). People also know about this town for its delicious fish paste. To talk about a sacred and attractive town in Vietnam Mekong Delta for a spiritual trip, then it is Chau Doc. Besides, everyone just know this town thanks to its tasty fish pastes and floating villages. And whenever somebody asks you where is the most charming town in the Mekong Delta for a spiritual purpose, then Chau Doc should be the first option.

Chau Doc Floating Village 

The town shares the same border with Cambodia, and often takes six hours to arrive on a bus trip. Besides, this place is a big home to many ethnic groups, such as the Cham, Kinh, Chinese, and Khmer groups. Among these, Kinh people are considered as the most crowded community who live almost everywhere.

Like some other provinces in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, An Giang, where Chau Doc belongs to, experiences the two season:

  • December – April: This is the dry season in Chau Doc that gives the town the pleasant atmosphere and abundant sunlight. According to the common belief, the dry time is the best time to visit Chau Doc as there is no rain interrupting your outdoor activities. Also, this period witnesses the massive celebration of Ba Chua Xu Festival – the most colorful festival of the region.
  • May – November: This is the rainy season in Chau Doc when some rain comes, and the visitors have to keep in mind the weather forecast on the go. For the cruise trips during the rainy time, it is vital to keep the life-jackets on hand.