Have fun at the Crazy House
A hotel turned a fantasy park for children and those who love architecture and design. Crazy House is actually Hang Nga Villa, constructed and designed by architect Mrs. Dang Viet Nga with a striking appearance which can impress any passersby, which has been an imaginative work in progress since 1990. Hang Nga, as she’s known locally, has a PhD in architecture from Moscow and has designed a number of other buildings around Dalat. Her father, Truong Chinh, succeeded Ho Chi Minh as Vietnam’s second president from 1981 until his death in 1988, which is perhaps one reason that planning permission doesn’t seem to be a problem. There’s a shrine to him in the ground-floor lounge.
A freewheeling architectural exploration of surrealism, Hang Nga Crazy House is a joyously designed, outrageously artistic private home. Imagine sculptured rooms connected by super-slim bridges rising out of a tangle of concrete greenery, an excess of cascading lava-flow-like shapes, wild colours, spiderweb windows and an almost organic quality to it all, with the swooping handrails resembling jungle vines. Each room has to itself a distinctive look serving faithfully the purpose of bringing the guests into a whole new world.
Get on the top of the house where you can enjoy a splendid view of Dalat city from an unusual house setting. This house is also constantly listed as one of the most bizarre buildings in the world.