Amazing Sapa Trip in Lao Chai and Ta Van Villages

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Amazing Sapa Trip in Lao Chai and Ta Van Villages

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Sapa is a small town and a tourist attraction belonging to Lao Cai province, Vietnam. The most remote villages in Sapa bring a rural beauty to strange people. The beauty is something that attracts tourists to visit ethnic villages after the trip outside nature. Many villages of H’mong and Dao have been built for many decades and still have beautiful traditional features.

A trip to Sapa to discover the beauty of Lao Chai and Ta Van will give you more understanding of ethnic minority people living in the land of Sapa.


Lao Chai village

A trip to Sapa to discover the beauty of Lao Chai and Ta Van will give you more understanding of ethnic minority people living in the land of Sapa.


About Lao Chai village and Ta Van village

About 7km from Sapa town, Lao Chai & Ta Van is known as a place of residence of many ethnic people: HMong, Dzao, Giay … If the town of Sapa is busy and crowded with people and traffic, in Lao Chai Ta Van you feel peaceful and surprised tranquility. These villages are usually built on flat land or valleys below the hills. In general, there is only one ethnic group living in a village. But there are also some villages with 2-3 ethnic groups. In the majestic scenery of the Northwest mountains and forests, these villages create new vitality for this barren hills.

Ta Van village

Lao Chai – Ta Van lies between majestic Hoang Lien Son Mountain range and Ham Rong Mountain. Two large mountains sheltered so the villagers live here a lot, creating a living space extremely exciting, attractive.

It is hard to believe that under the wild Hoang Lien Mountains can form two large villages, beautiful and crowded ethnic people live so.

Surrounding Lao Chai – Ta Van is a large, terraced fields. These fields have been around for decades. H’mong and Dao live in Lao Chai – Ta Van still grows rice on these ancient terraces.


Terraced fields in Lao Chai village

Lao Chai and Ta Van are not far from Sapa town. So, you can come to visit at any time of the day. To go to Lao Chai – Ta Van, tourists will have to go all the streets Cau May, then turn to Muong Hoa.

Continue on this road, visitors will see the wooden stilts of Lao Chai appear, continue to go a few minutes, visitors will come to Ta Van.

From here, you will leave behind the busy streets to the space of the green terraced fields and simple wooden houses rustic.

Notice some new visitors to Lao Chai – Ta Van is a tour to buy tickets. The ticketing station is located on Muong Hoa Street, right at the intersection of Sapa Town and the uninhabited road.

Discover the beauty of Lao Chai & Ta Van village

The villages of Lao Chai and Ta Van are covered by large, terraced fields. So the most beautiful time to visit here is the dry season. Around the time the terraced fields in Sapa nine gold fell in early April and late September. Traveling to Lao Chai - Ta Van village

Traveling to Lao Chai – Ta Van on this occasion. You will be watching a space full of gold flooded with great eye. The ripe rice season is also the time when the village is the busiest. Besides, this is also the cool time, suitable for travelling.

The space is full of yellow rice, the sunshine is beautiful sunshine that any visitor to travel to Sapa want to see even once. Many photos of Sapa in the ripe rice crop have become the focus of domestic and international photo exhibitions.

Coming to Lao Chai and Ta Van, guests also enjoy the special dances, deeply national identity, help diversify and bring the attraction for community tourism, not merely the service.

Guests can also choose to stay overnight here. The ethnic people here are very hospitable, they have small rooms upstairs, there are warm blankets for visitors to stay.

In particular, due to the development of tourism, from the elderly to children here are able to communicate in English, even French. So, when listening to ethnic girls in floral embroidered dresses to pronounce fluently foreign languages, international tourists are very delighted. They take conversation on the way; the stories about culture, daily life become interesting topics, attracting tourists.

A trip to Sapa discover the beauty of Lao Chai and Ta Van is very emotional right? The delicious food along the charming landscape of Lao Chai space – Ta Van will do any visitor to visit this place. If tourists have visited Lao Chai village and Ta Van village. Visitors should not miss the interesting travel experience here. The tourist destination Beautiful in Sapa is still waiting for visitors to discover.