
JBA Travelbox /

hoi an foods jbatravelbox

The 5 Hoi An Cuisines You Cannot Afford To Miss

Picturesque scenery and cultural riches aside, gorgeous Hoi An draws intrepid travelers keen on gastronomic delights. Its specialties are the result of Chinese, French and Japanese influences while being distinguished by using... Read More

Best Time to Visit Ho Chi Minh City

Once dearly described as “the Pearl of the Orient”, Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon is the largest city of Vietnam enchanting tourists by the Western architecture, impressive landscape, modern... Read More

Dong Ba Market

Dong Ba Market is located along the northern bank of Perfume River, on Tran Hung Dao Street, 100 meters to the north away from Truong Tien bridge. Before the appearance... Read More

Coffee Habit of Vietnamese people

Every visitor come to Vietnam are surprised that Vietnam is the second largest coffee producing country in the world and how Vietnamese enjoy coffee is not the same with the... Read More

Must try dishes in Mai Chau

When one talks about Mai Chau – Hoa Binh, it’s deficient if we don’t mention the culinary culture here. These dishes are the essence of Thai ethnicity that you should... Read More

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