Southwestern Vietnam: The Renowned Mesmerizing Land

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Southwestern Vietnam: The Renowned Mesmerizing Land

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Southwest of Vietnam has long been renowned as the land of verdant, fertile, the preferential tropical nature creates cultural features attractive gardens. The set of 13 provinces and cities to form a broad delta area of 40,000 square meters kilometers with nature and man give visitors a sense of the familiar.


Daily life on Mekong River

The establishing gardens are the creative employment of the native people in here with a natural sense of improvement nature for serving human life. Gardens in Southwest are concentrated together into large space with lush fruit orchards laden with fruit around the year.

Travel to the land of gardens, the first impression of visitors is the wealth that nature bestowed on this land, the most typical kinds of fruit are concentrated on their such as durian, big longan, soapberry, tamarind, star apple, mangosteen, mango, rambutan. The gardens appeared throughout most parts of the Mekong delta but the biggest gardens are in Binh Minh, Tam Binh, Binh Hoa Phuoc (Vinh Long); Cai Be, Chau Thanh, My Tho (Tien Giang), Mon, Cai Rang (Tho), Hong Ngu, Cai Tau Lai Vung (Dong Thap), Tra Vinh… A journey through Mekong Delta must be written on your travel list during Vietnam vacation.

Discovering and learning the unique culture of the Mekong delta has enchanted more and more foreign tourists, in addition, can come to see the trade villages, the bakeries, oven nuggets. The only market tour, visitors can see the fullness of life of people living here.
The market always shows what the most prosperous of the country, with various types of markets as diverse as floating market and provincial markets mentioned as Cai Be floating market, Cai Rang floating market, Phung Hiep floating market. The markets are full of food of the world, attracting more and more tourists to visit.


Source: myhanoitours